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Meet Our Growing Team
In the Service of Compassion and the Common Good
We are a diverse group of people serving the mission of Loyola Extension Services through its Multiversity Platform. We work together, pooling our individual abilities into collective strength, our collective strength into community service for the common good, serving the inclusive common good to build a compassionate cultures.
(WIP/For details see the dropdown menu on this link.)

Dr. Sr. Janet
Serving Outside Initiative

Ms. Pushpa Bhai
B: 10/7/1960
D: 13/11/2022

Ms. Anandavally Amma
Office Administrator

Ms. Remadevi R
Office Assistant
(House-Keeping / Accommodation & Food)

Sanal R
Office Assistant
(Purchase/ Transportation/


Ms. Mary Ann
Ms. Shobha
Shijo George
Serving Outside Initiative
Seving Outside Initiatve
Chief Executives of the LES Governing Board

Fr. Sunny Thomas SJ

Dr. Saji P. Jacob
Vice President